Gatechain X Nabox AMA Event

6 min readJul 1, 2022



NaBox : Welcome to today’s AMA with GateChain. Today we are extremely excited to have guest Easen from the GateChain team with us today.

Hello Easen, could you introduce yourself to us, tell us a little bit about your background.

Gatechain: Hello, everyone, I am Easen from GateChain. Good evening ! Thank you very much for coming to this AMA , I am very excited to be here to talk to you all about GateChain! My first experience in the blockchain industry is from early 2018, and then going to Australia to complete my master degree of financial analysis. My past experience is mainly in traditional financial asset management and investment banking, but now I mainly do the incubation of Gatechain ecological projects.Thank you, this is all my introduction.

Question 1

Nabox : It’s really great to have you with us, can you tell us a little more about Gatechain, what is the vision behind it?

Gatechain:Gatechain is the public chain of the exchange. It belongs to the layer 1 track and targets traditional public chains such as BSC and Solana. Gatechain is currently compatible with Ethereum, BSC, Heco, Polygon, Arbitrum, Avalanche.The main focus of Gatechain is asset security. We will consider the security of the project more when developing ecological projects. Projects that are too aggressive may face a great risk of failure in a bear market. Gatechain hopes to expand our application ecosystem on the basis of ensuring security.

In addition, Gatechain is constantly improving its own technology, hoping to give users a better product experience. We are currently polishing several products, such as Hipo Defi, Gate Bridge and Hipo NFT marketplace.

Question 2

Nabox : That sounds great, can you tell us a bit more about What are the main development directions and product differences of Gatechain?

Gatechain:As a relatively new public chain, Gatechain has missed the best opportunity in the traditional Defi track, but we will also improve related Defi functions and products. Gatechain will currently focus on the development of NFT and Gamefi, because these two tracks have more room for development and potential in the coming period.

Our HipoNFT platform will also be launched in the near future, and we will also cooperate with some ecological projects to issue and trade NFT assets. Please keep your attention to us. At that time, some airdrops will be rewarded to early participants.

Question 3

Nabox : Oh wow ! That sounds very exciting, I am looking forward to your NFT marketplace, and I will go to participate in the event. Is your NFT marketplace similar to opensea?

Gatechain:Our overall product functions are similar to opensea, but our target users will be different. We will find our target customers according to our own ecological advantages and provide them with the same high-quality user experience as opensea.

Question 4

Nabox : Yes, I agree with your point of view very much. At present, the competition in the NFT market is fierce, and you need to find a development model that suits you. I still want to know more about your ecological development. Are there any specific cases you can share?


Of course, the main infrastructure of the Gatechain ecosystem is relatively complete, and we currently have dozens of projects in the ecosystem. In Q1 quarter, GateGrants has sponsored ten (10) new promising blockchain projects including Odin Protocol, SEOR, Emiswap, Xdollor, Indexzoo, NFTMuseum, Falafei Coin, XP Network, Histopia , and TripleFi with a total amount of $201,000. These investments are intended to kickstart, as well as encourage, their respective development stages to make even better progress across various blockchain sectors and advancing technology industry.

One of the selected projects, SEOR Network, is the next generation of decentralized Web3.0 application technology development infrastructure.

XP.NETWORK is an ecosystem centered around a multi-chain bridge for minted NFTs, bridging the gap between blockchains and allowing NFTs to flow freely across networks.

Question 6

NaBox : Thank you so much for sharing, I have one last question. What is the short-term goal of Gatechain?

Gatechain: It is a good question,because we are currently in the bear market stage, our short-term main task is to better build our ecosystem and improve our product functions. In terms of ecological project selection, we will pay more attention to NFT and Gamefi projects. Incubating some good projects in the bear market stage may get more returns in the future.

Finally, I would like to thank Nabox for the invitation to this AMA event, and we will have more cooperation in the future.

Section 2


1、What plans will gatechain have in the near future to attract other project developers to build on gatechain?

Answer:We have our own ecological fund, which will focus on supporting NFT and Gamefi track projects. Gatechain will soon launch its own decentralized Hipo NFT marketplace. We hope to cooperate with some NFT projects to quickly promote the development of the platform, thank you.

2、Would the gatechain be EVM compactible or we’re expecting something totally different like a fresh layer one coin?

Answer: Gatechain is EVM compatible, Gatechain is currently compatible with Ethereum, BSC, Heco, Polygon, Arbitrum, Avalanche, we have improved and innovated the algorithm based on cosmos, so there is a certain guarantee in performance and security

3、What problem does Gatechain solve in the blockchain industry? What can we expect from Gatechain in the future?

Answer: Gatechain focuses on solving user asset security issues. Under the current bear market, various security incidents have occurred in many digital assets. We will research various crisis events and introduce our security solutions in the future, hoping to build a more secure and transparent blockchain market

4、As we all know, a strong community not only brings interesting ideas to the project but also attracts larger partners. So how is Crypto your planning to expand its community? While building your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?

Answer: I agree with you that the community is an important part for the development of web3 projects. Gatechain will also always pay attention to the ideas and proposals of community members. In the later stage, Gatechain will adopt the form of DAO to govern the community. At that time, a group of community contributors will be recruited to operate the entire Gatechain ecosystem, and some rewards will be given to core contributors.

5、Security and anonymity are always prioritized by BlockChain projects in the development of project platforms and technologies. So, does you have any technological solutions or plans to enhance user trust in these issues?

Answer: The development concept of Gatechain is to maintain asset security as the core. Just as our Gate io exchange has been operating safely and stably for 9 years, our technical team has been committed to researching innovative and safer solutions. We will not start the project easily without testing the security environment. For the part of the technology, you can view the relevant documents on our official website.

6、Can you list 3 killer features of your project that make it ahead of competitors? What are the competitive advantages that you feel most confident about?

Answer: First of all, Gatechain belongs to the public chain of the Gate io exchange, and we have a huge community of users to support the development of our project. In addition, Gatechain has been committed to researching decentralized blockchain technology to solve asset security issues, which is a crucial point. Finally, Gatechain will join many well-known partners and project parties to build our ecosystem, which will rapidly increase our development speed.

7、This time the market for NFTs is very strong and generating a lot of money for users, artists and projects. So I was wondering if at some point GateChain will have an collection on NFT Marketplace or its own line of NFTs?

Answer: Thank you very much for your question. In the current hot NFT market, we already have a centralized NFT marketplace, but we will also launch a decentralized Hipo NFT marketplace soon. The NFT track will be an important direction for our next development. We have reached cooperation intentions with many project parties, focusing on promoting related NFT collections on the Hipo NFT marketplace.

About Gatechain

GateChain is a next-generation public blockchain, with a focus on on-chain asset safety and decentralized trading. Its uniquely designed Vault Account is primed for handling abnormal transactions. GateChain presents an extraordinary clearing mechanism, tackling the challenges of asset theft and private key loss. Decentralized trading and cross-chain transfers are also supported, alongside with other core features.

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