has endeavored to develop the eco of GateChain Token (GT). now announces that, as one of the most important part of GT use cases, GT can soon be used to pay trading fees. By paying fees with GT, users can get further fee deductions on top of the VIP fee discounts.
Below are the specific rules for the GT fee payment.
1) Start time: UTC 4:00, November 4 (Monday), 2019.
2) Users can choose to turn on the “use GT to pay fees” function (for Web only).
3) Before users turn on the payment function, or without sufficient GT in user account, Fees will be paid by the POINTs in user account. However, Fees will be paid as usual when there is insufficient POINTs balance
4) GT for fee payment function and POINTs cannot be applied simultaneously.
5) GT for fee payment now supports Regular Markets and Margin Trading, and will soon support Fiat Trading and Contract Trading.
6) VIP0 users can also use GT to pay the handling fees.
7) VIP0-VIP9 users can obtain an additional 25% off on top of the original VIP discounts.
8) VIP10-VIP14 users can obtain an additional 45% discounts on top of the original VIP discounts.
9) The amount of GT to be deducted will be calculated based on the GT market price when the transaction occurs.
For the specific discounts each VIP level can obtain after the GT fee payment function is live, please refer to the following tables.